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The Types of Journaling and Their Benefits

The benefits of journaling are well known for mental health. Before you begin, think of journaling in two very different groups:

  • Biography Type: This type of journals are the kind you intend to have your friends and family to see at some point in the future

  • Diary Type: These are very private thoughts that you don’t necessarily want anyone else to see during or after your life

TimeSwan focuses on the first group of biography types of journaling. Our mission is to help you be remembered by your family and friends. Shared positive memories that will live on after you are no longer here. While these memories won’t whitewash the difficult times in your life, the goal is not to call out people who harmed you and tell their dirty secrets. See the second group of Diary type for that below.

The Trolls have taken over the internet. These trolls seem to exist to spread negative energy. Don’t be a troll when you tell your own life story. Try to remember positive memories with those you love.

The Ibata-Arens household are big fans of the original Blade Runner movie. The “like tears in rain” quote at the end of the movie is Hollywood brilliance. Unlike the android in the movie, you will never witness “C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate” but you may witness the birth of your own child, the Victoria Waterfall in Zimbabwe, or a sunrise over a dew dripping cornfield as life springs to action. Life is tenuous, and sometimes the rougher it is the more amazing the story. You just have to reflect and record.

The second “Diary” type of journaling can be incredibly powerful for your mental health. We highly recommend the work of Phil Stutz who discusses this type of journaling, or watch the NetFlix movie “Stutz”. However, this is not the type of “Memorial / Biography” journaling we currently address at TimeSwan.


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